NYX Eyebrow Gel Review
Hello my dear readers!!
How was your weekend?? I spent the whole Saturday cleaning my closet, I find it amusing. But much more time I spend trying on clothes that I had forgotten that I had, than the cleaning. ;-) You know how it is? Again I turned of the topic.
How was your weekend?? I spent the whole Saturday cleaning my closet, I find it amusing. But much more time I spend trying on clothes that I had forgotten that I had, than the cleaning. ;-) You know how it is? Again I turned of the topic.
Before I begin a review of the product that I am absolutely thrilled, I want to warn you. Photos of my eyebrows without makeup are TERRIBLE. My secret is out but do not feel comfortable about it. But I need to go out of my comfort zone.
From the title you can see that I will now talk about NYX Eyebrow Gel - gel to fill the brows. My impressions of this product are very good. I have a big problem with the filling in eyebrows. My eyebrows are as you see light, uneven, the hairs are rare and simply impossible to shaping. I tried pens, gels, and all possible miracles to fill eyebrows. With something I was more satisfied with something less. But nothing was absolutely perfect. Until now.
This gel comes in five shades, I bought a brighter, Blonde shade. I think it fits perfectly with my skin tone and with haircolor. The gel is easy to apply, I use Ovnak brush to fill eyebrows. I squeeze gel just a little and with brush pick up the product and gently applied on the eyebrows. After each application of the product slightly brushed with the comb for eyebrows. So on the eyebrows do not remain too many products. I do not like a heavy line drawn at the edges of the eyebrows. I prefer a more natural look. The form that I get really like.
Despite my oily skin, gel on eyebrows stays all day. Does not melt, smear, eyebrows maintain the form. Another plus in comparison to all brow pens I've ever used. I had no need of any fixing eyebrows all day.
Gel is a water-resistant but is easily removed by makeup remover. I am very happy with this product. I think this tube of 10ml can last quite a while. This product I paid about 8 euros, I think that price is acceptable. Quality relative to price - phenomenal.
This is a product that is already on my list of favorite things of 2015. And honestly think that this amount of gel take a whole year. Super happy!
Little things make miracles! Enjoy a post!
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!
Kako ste se proveli za vikend?? Ja sam cijelu subotu provela čisteći moj ormar, meni je to zabavno. Ali puno više vremena provedem isprobavajući odjeću koju sam zaboravila da imam, nego na pospremanje. ;-) Znate kako je? Opet sam skrenula sa teme.
Prije nego započnem recenziju proizvoda kojim sam ja apsolutno oduševljena, želim vas upozoriti. Fotografije mojih obrva bez šminke su STRAŠNE. Moja tajna je otkrivena ali ne osjećam se baš ugodno zbog toga. Ali treba izlaziti iz svoje sigurne zone.
Iz naslova vidite da ću danas govoriti o NYX Eyebrow Gel - gel za popunjavanje obrva. Moji dojmovi o ovom proizvodu su jako dobri. Ja imam velikih problema sa popunjavanjem obrva. Moje obrve su kao što vidite svijetle, nejednake, dlačice su rijetke i ednostavno nemoguće za oblikovanje.Probala sam olovke, gelove, i sva moguća čuda za popunjavanje obrva. Sa nečim sam bila više zadovoljna sa nečim manje. Ali ništa nije bilo potpuno savršeno. Do sada.
Ovaj gel dolazi u pet nijansi, ja sam kupila naj svjetliju, Blonde nijansu. Mislim da odlično odgovara mom tonu kože i kose. Gel je jednostavan za nanošenje, ja koristim Ovnak četkicu za popunjavanje obrva. Gel samo malo istisnem i četkicom pokupim proizvod te ga lagano nanosim na obrve. Nakon svakog nanošenja malo proizvod isčetkam sa češljićem za obrve. Tako na obrvama ne ostaje previše proizvoda. Ja ne volim iscrtavati pregrube crte na rubovima obrva. Više volim prirodniji izgled. Dobiveni oblik mi se jako sviđa.
Unatoč mojoj masnoj koži, gel na obrvama ostaje cijeli dan. Ne topi se, ne razmazuje se, obrve zadržavaju formu. Još jedan plus u odnosu na sve olovke za obrve koje sam do sada koristila. Nisam imala potrebu ikakvog popravljanja obrva cijeli dan.
Gel je i vodootporan ali se lako uklanja sredstvima za skidanje šminke. Ja sam prezadovoljna ovim proizvodom. Mislim da mi ova tubica od 10ml može trajati dosta dugo. Ovaj proizvod sam platila oko 8 eura, mislim da je i cijena prihvatljiva. Odnos kvalitete i cijene - fenomenalan.
Ovo je proizvod koji je već na mojoj listi najdražih stvari 2015. A najiskrenije mislim da će ova količina gela potrajati cijelu godinu. Super sretna!
Sitnice čine čuda! Uživajte postu!
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