Le Petit Marseillais - Strengthening Shampoo with apple extract and olive leaf - Review

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Hello my dear readers !!

Today I am a bit angry and disappointed, and apologize in advance if this post  seems cold and impersonal. But my hair  was awful, miserable. Simply yuck. A few months ago I wrote about a shampoo that impressed me. It was Le Petit Marseillais - Shampoo with Shea Milk and Honey. This shampoo is designed for dry and damaged hair. After the first wash my hair, it is left a wonderful effect. Hair is soft, shiny, supple, beautiful.
Because of this product I decided to try other hair products from the collection of the brand, which are available in local stores. So I bought Le Petit Marseillais - Strengthening Shampoo with apple extract and olive leaf. Little to say that I was disappointed. This product is not at all compatible with my hair.

After using this product, my hair is very dry, rough to the touch, very itchy scalp. After washing and drying the hair I feel like I have not washed it. It looks as if the whole hair is sprayed with heavy hairspray.
It should be noted that it is absolutely impossible to style hair. Whatever I did was in vain. I did not want to give up after the first wash. I washed my hair with this shampoo four times. But today, I gave up. Last night I washed my hair, and this morning when I woke scalp itches so much that I immediately washed my hair with the first shampoo for dry and damaged hair. And before drying, while I was still under the impression, I wanted pass on my experience.
Sorry but this product is just not for me. Rarely experimenting with hair products, and after this I will consider when I will again try a new shampoo. I have to admit, unbearable itching on the scalp most scared me.

More  about 
Shampoo with Shea Milk and Honey:
 I hope you have not had negative experiences with these products. Have a nice rest of the week.

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!
Danas sam pomalo ljuta i razočarana, pa se unaprijed ispričavam ako vam se ovaj post čini hladan i bezličan. Ali moja kosa je danas grozna, očajna. Jednostavno fuj.  Prije par mjeseci sam pisala o šamponu koji me oduševio. To je bio Le Petit Marseillais - Shampoo with karite milk and honey. Ovaj šampon je namjenjen suhoj i oštećenoj kosi. Već nakon prvog pranja na mojoj kosi je ostavio prekrasan učinak. Kosa je mekana, sjajna, podatna, prekrasna.

Zbog ovog sam proizvoda odlučila isprobati ostale proizvode za kosu iz kolekcije ovog brenda, koji su dostupni u lokalnim drogerijama. I tako sam kupila Le Petit Marseillais - Strengthening Shampoo with apple extract and olive leaf. Malo je reći da sam se razočarala. Ovaj proizvod ni malo ne odgovara mojoj kosi. 

Nakon uporabe ovog proizvoda moja kosa je jako suha, gruba na dodir, tjeme jako svrbi. Nakon pranja i sušenja kose imam osjećaj kao da je nisam oprala. Izgleda kao da je cijela kosa našpricana teškim lakom za kosu.

Trebam napomenuti da je apsolutno nemoguće stilizirati kosu. Što god sam napravila bilo je uzalud.  Nisam željela odustati nakon prvog pranja. Oprala sam kosu sa ovim šamponom ukupno četiri puta. Ali danas dižem ruke. Sinoć sam oprala kosu, jutros kad sam se probudila tjeme toliko svrbi da sam odmah oprala kosu sa ovim prvim šamponom za suhu i oštećenu kosu. I prije sušenja, dok sam još pod dojmom, željela sam prenjeti moje iskustvo.

 Žao mi je ali ovaj proizvod jednostavno nije za mene. Rijetko eksperimentiram sa proizvodima za kosu, a nakon ovoga ću dobro razmisliti kada ću ponovno isprobati neki novi šampon. Moram priznati, nesnošljiva svrbež na tjemenu najviše me prepala.
Više o šamponu kojega obožavam na:

Nadam se da vi niste imali neugodnih iskustava sa ovim proizvodima. Ugodan ostatak tjedna.


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