Black face mask with medical charcoal - Review

11:55 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!Whenever I was on social networks jumped some advertisement for black face mask to remove blackheads, I wanted to try it. But I did not want to risk and use some exaggerated chemical products. I wanted to include as many natural products into my skin care routine.

Then I discovered on FB  girl who manufactures skin care products on a natural basis. It is recommended that this facial mask lightly warms up and then applied in the thick layer to the desired zone. After 20 minutes the mask comes out of the face together with the dead skin cells and the blackheads.

The face mask comes in solid condition, to the touch is rubbery, I do not know how much the product comes in grams but the price is around 2 euros. I cut it  to some 4 parts and used it once a week. Mask is best kept frozen. When you use it just take the cut out part and warm it up.

After showering when the pores lightly opened, I would heat the mask for 20 seconds in the microwave, and when the temperature would be pleasant I would have it in the thick layer on the T-zone.

While the face mask is dry, the skin tightens slightly, after 20 minutes I have removed the mask with one stroke. And it really works. It can be clearly seen  all blackheads and all impurities on the face, the rest of the mask looks disgusting. But the mask works, the most important. I then clean the skin with water.

I did not notice any negative side effects on the skin. I bought my box at the fair of natural products, a range of natural products can be seen here. I know this mask is easy to make, but I did not want to bother with this. This is great for me.

Is anyone else tried this mask to remove blackheads? Have you been shocked by all these impurities? I was convinced that my skin is clean!

Pozdrav moje lepotice!

Kad god mi je na društvenim mrežama iskočila neka reklama za crnu masku za lice za uklanjanje mitesera, željela sam je isprobati. Ali isam željela riskirati i koristiti neke pretjerano kemijske proizvode. Željela sam što više prirodnih proizvoda uključiti u svoju rutinu njege kože.

Tada sam otkrila na FB marljivu djevojku koja izrađuje proizvode za njegu kože na prirodnoj bazi.  Preporuka je da se ova maksa za lice lagano zagrije, zatim se u debelom sloju nanosi na željenu zonu. Nakon 20-tak minuta maska se odljepi sa lica zajedno sa odumrlim stanicama kože i sa miteserima.

Maska za lice dolazi u čvrstom stanju, na dodir je gumena, ne znam koliko proizvoda dođe u gramima ali cijena je cca 2 eura. Ja sam nožem masku izrezala na četiri dijela i koristila jednom tjedno. Masku je najbolje čuvati zaledjenu. Kada ćete je koristiti samo izvadite izrezani dio i zagrijete ga.

Nakon tuširanja kada se pore lagano otvore, ugrijala bih masku na 20 sekundi u mikrovalnoj, i kada je ugodne temperature nanijela bih je u debelom sloju na T- zonu.

Dok se maska na licu suši lagano zateže kožu, nakon 20 minuta masku sam uklanjala jednim potezom. I zaista djeluje. Jasno se mogu vidjeti miteseri i sve nečistoće na licu, ostatak maske izgleda odvratno. Ali maska djeluje, što je najbitnije. Ja kožu nakon toga očistim vodom.

Nisam primjetila nikakve negativne nuspojave na koži. Svoju kutijicu sam kupila na sajmu prirodnih proizvoda, asortiman prirodnih proizvoda možete ovdje pogledati. Znam da je ovu masku lako izraditi, ali ja se sa tim nisam željela gnjaviti. Ova mi je super.

Jeli netko još isprobao ove maske za uklanjanje mitesera? Jeste li se vi šokirali svim tim nečistoćama? Ja sam bila uvjerena da je moja koža čista!


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