Palmolive Gourmet Body Butter Wash - Review

6:26 AM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

You know that feeling when you're on a diet, do not want to eat candy while you go take a shower? Me neither! Well I'm not crazy! But I could be because these two shower gel are madness. OMG! This fragrance is the most beautiful in the world, I had you immediately write about them. So Palmolive Gourmet Butter Body Wash with the smell of Chocolate Passion and Strawberry Touch. Yum Yum!

In addition to these two scents on offer is more and vanilla, and she was not tried. This Butter Body Wash in bottles of 250 ml, the shelf life of 3 years, is produced in Italy. Country of wonderful fragrances and desserts. I did not expect anything bad. But this creamy shower gels, sorry, body butter, just want to eat. Although, not people, it's not healthy! ;-D

As I said, the gels are creamy texture, nice foam, perfect clean skin and gently washed out. The feeling on the skin is beautiful, soft smooth skin, without stretching, drying or flaking. And scent, dear people, scent is wonderful. Completely authentic chocolate and strawberry, in my opinion is not at all artificial. These too strong artificial fruit aromas know mind, here this is not the case. The smell on the skin feels a long time, can be transferred to clothing. If this bothers anyone, you know. I do not mind.

The only problem is that I can not stop thinking about chocolate and strawberries. And this is definitely clashes with my fitness regime.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Znate onaj osjećaj kada ste na dijeti, ne želite jesti slatkiše pa se odete otuširati? Ni ja! Pa nisam luda! Ali mogla bih biti jer su ova dva gela za tuširanje ludilo. OMG! Ovaj miris je nešto najljepše na svijetu, morala sam vam odmah pisati o njima. Dakle, Palmolive Gourmet Body Butter Wash sa mirisom Chocolate Passion i Strawberry Touch. Njam-njam!

Osim ova dva mirisa u ponudi je još i vanilija, ali nju još nisam isprobala. Ovaj Body Butter Wash je u bočicama od 250 ml, rok trajanja je 3 godine, proizvodi se u Italiji. Zemlja prekrasnih mirisa i slastica. Nisam ni očekivala ništa loše. Ali ove kremaste gelove za tuširanje, pardon, Body Buttere, jednostavno poželite pojesti. Mada, nemojte ljudi, nije to zdravo! ;-D 

Kao što sam rekla, gelovi su kremaste strukture, lijepo pjene, odlično čiste kožu a i lagano se ispiru. Osjećaj na koži je predivan, nježna glatka koža, bez zatezanja, isušivanja ili perutanja. A miris, mili ljudi, miris je prekrasan. Potpuno autentičan čokoladi i jagodi, po mom mišljenju nije ni malo umjetan. Ti prejaki umjetni voćni mirisi znaju smetati, ovde to nije slučaj. Miris na koži se osjeća dosta dugo, može se prenjeti na odjeću. Ako to nekome smeta, da znate. Meni ne smeta.

Jedini problem je sto ne prestajem razmišljati o čokoladi i jagodama. A to se definitivno kosi sa mojim fitnes režimom.


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