Farmasi Perfect Smile Gloss - Review
Hello my lovelies!!
Today I bring you a review of a new product, I'm very impatient and can not wait to get rasps on this topic. It is a Farmasi Perfect Smile Gloss lipgloss / lipstick. To tell you right now that I got it from my friend (thanks Biba!!) ten days ago and I am thrilled.
This lipstick has a double action, has two separate applicator for two steps. The first step is the white part of the tubes in which there is a gel to whiten teeth with white pearls and tea tree oil, with the scent of eucalyptus. The gel is applied directly to the teeth with a small applicator. As for the effect of teeth whitening I'm not sure whether works, but eucalyptus does very nice freshen the breath.
The second step is the perfect lip gloss that contains argan oil and vitaamin E. I really do not know if I'm ever in my life tried a better life lipgloss. This is actually a matte lipgloss, which in my opinion just has a velvety, matte finish. Pigmentation, you ask? Now that's another beautiful thing. It's very pigmented, ultrala pigmented, one layer is sufficient to obtain the desired coverage and color.
It is easily applied on the lips, is easy to spread, does not shows dry parts, and its formula has nourishing hydrating effect on the very lips. I am using it in daily and evening variants. I ate and drank with it and the color on the lips was stable and beautiful, as yet applied. Max I wore it for 6 hours continuously, I have not reapplyd it, wiped only on the inside of the lips, which is actually logical.
Unfortunately, now are available only three colors of this product. My number is 1303498, available are 1303499 and the 1303500. The product is into a bottle of 3.1 gr, and the current price of the product in the catalog for April (for my country) is about 4.5 euros. Oh yes!! Because argan oil this matte lipgloss has a perfectly scent.
Today I bring you a review of a new product, I'm very impatient and can not wait to get rasps on this topic. It is a Farmasi Perfect Smile Gloss lipgloss / lipstick. To tell you right now that I got it from my friend (thanks Biba!!) ten days ago and I am thrilled.
This lipstick has a double action, has two separate applicator for two steps. The first step is the white part of the tubes in which there is a gel to whiten teeth with white pearls and tea tree oil, with the scent of eucalyptus. The gel is applied directly to the teeth with a small applicator. As for the effect of teeth whitening I'm not sure whether works, but eucalyptus does very nice freshen the breath.
The second step is the perfect lip gloss that contains argan oil and vitaamin E. I really do not know if I'm ever in my life tried a better life lipgloss. This is actually a matte lipgloss, which in my opinion just has a velvety, matte finish. Pigmentation, you ask? Now that's another beautiful thing. It's very pigmented, ultrala pigmented, one layer is sufficient to obtain the desired coverage and color.
It is easily applied on the lips, is easy to spread, does not shows dry parts, and its formula has nourishing hydrating effect on the very lips. I am using it in daily and evening variants. I ate and drank with it and the color on the lips was stable and beautiful, as yet applied. Max I wore it for 6 hours continuously, I have not reapplyd it, wiped only on the inside of the lips, which is actually logical.
Unfortunately, now are available only three colors of this product. My number is 1303498, available are 1303499 and the 1303500. The product is into a bottle of 3.1 gr, and the current price of the product in the catalog for April (for my country) is about 4.5 euros. Oh yes!! Because argan oil this matte lipgloss has a perfectly scent.
Inspired with this product, I leafed through a catalog and ordered two products, I hope I will not be disappointed.
So much about this crazy good product!! Enjoy the work week!
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!
Danas vam donosim recenziju jednog novog proizvoda, jako sam nestrpljiva i jedva čekam da se raspšem o ovoj temi. Radi se o Farmasi Perfect Smile Gloss sjajilu/ružu za usne. Da vam odmah kažem da sam ja svoj dobila od prijateljice (hvala Bibe!!) prije desetak dana i oduševljena sam.
Ovo sjajilo za usne ima dvostruko djelovanje, ima dva zasebna aplikatora za dva koraka. Prvi korak je bijeli dio tubice u kojemu se nalazi gel za izbjeljivanje zubi sa bijelim biserima i uljem čajevca, sa mirisom eukaliptusa. Gel se nanosi izravno na zube sa malenim aplikatorom. Što se tiče samog efekta izbjeljivnja zubi nisam sigurna dali djeluje ali eukaliptus baš lijepo osvježi dah.
Drugi korak je savršeno sjajilo za usne koje u sebi sadrži arganovo ulje i vitaamin E. Ja zaista ne znam jesam li u životu isprobala neki bolji lipglos. Ovo je zapravo matte lipgloss koji po mom mišljenju baš ima neki baršunasti, mat završetak. Pigmentiranost, pitate? E to je još jedna predivna stvar. Jako je pigmentirano, ultraa pigmentirano, dovoljan je jedan sloj da dobijete zeljenu pokrivenost i boju.
Lako se nanosi na usne, lako se razmazuje, ne ističe suhe dijelove usana, a zbog svoje formule ima njegujući hidratirajući efekt na same usne. Ja sam ga koristla i u dnevnoj i večernjoj varijanti. Jela sam i pila a boja na usnama je bila postojana i lijepa, kao tek nanešena. Maksimalno sam ga nosila 6 sati u kontinuitetu, nisam ga popravljala i jedino se skinuo sa unutarnje strane usnica, što je zapravo i logično.
Nažalost, sada su dostupne samo tri boje ovog sjajila za usne. Moja je broj 1303498, a još su dostupne i 1303499 i 1303500. Proizvod odlazi u bočici od 3,1 gr, a trenutna cijena proizvoda u katalogu za travanj (za moju državu) je cca 4,5 eura. O da!! Zbog arganovog ulja ova matte lipgloss savršeno miriši.
Ponukana ovim proizvodom, prolistala sam katalog i naručila dva proizvoda, nadam se da se neću razočarati.
Toliko o ovom ludilo dobrom proizvodu!! Uživajte u radnom tjednu!
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