Avon BIG & MULTIPLIED Volume Mascara - Review

11:32 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

 Today I bring you a review of the new Avon Mascara BIG & MULTIPLIED, which is in the new catalog sold at a promotional price of about 4 euros.

I have received my copy of the testing of Avon, and hereby once again thank you for the support you provide to my blog. But be sure that I will give you my honest opinion on all the products of their brand by reviewing on my blog.

ascara comes in gray tube of 10 ml, and the tubes themselves in black and gray paper box. Brush is the almond-shaped and very thick, consisting of low and high hair that reaches down to the smallest lashes, and this is what I want of the brush. The manufacturer says it is a creamy gel that wraps each lash and gives it extra volume. Mascara comes in two colors, Black and Black Brown. My course is Black. 

In the photo below you can see only one layer of mascara on my eyelashes. My eyelashes are usually thick and I dont have  problems with mascara (except waterproof, they do not like), but this mascara has provided my eyelashes with a great volume and length. I stress this is only one layer of mascara. I want to apologize for the blurry photos but you see what is needed.

Mascara does not dissolve and is not crossing out on the on my oily eyelids, which is another plus. My only complaint is that it seems to me that the mascara a little sparse consistency. I believe it will be even better when a little dry. But such is my experience with other maskaras. I think it is really worth it to invest money in this product. It is a favorable effect you get is excellent, as you can see on my eyelashes.

So much of me for today! I'm going to re-make-up with this beauty, and you all have a nice day!!

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Danas vam donosim recenziju nove Avon maskare BIG&MULTIPLIED, koja se u novom katalogu prodaje po promotivnoj cijeni od cca 4 eura. Ja sam svoj primjerak dobila na testiranje od Avona i ovim putem im se još jednom zahvaljujem na potpori koju mi pružaju. Ali budite sigurni da ću vam reći svoje iskreno mišljenje o svim proizvodima njihova brenda koje recenziram na mom blogu.

Maskara dolazi u sivoj tubici od 10 ml, a sama tubica u crno-sivoj papirnatoj kutijici. Četkica je bademastog oblika i jako je gusta, sastoji se od niskih i viših dlačica koje dopiru i do najsitnijih trepavica, a to je ono što ja tražim od četkice. Proizvođač kaže da se radi o kremastom gelu koji obavija svaku trepavicu te joj daje dodatni volumen. Maskara dolazi u dvije boje, Black i Brown Black. Moja je naravno Black.

Na fotografiji ispod možete vidjeti kako samo jedan sloj maskare izgleda na mojim trepavicama. Moje trepvice su inače guste i nemam nekih problema sa maskarama (osim sa vodootpornim, njih ne volim), ali ova maskara im je pružila odličan volumen i dužinu. Naglašavam ovo je samo jedan sloj maskare. Želim se ispričati zbog mutne fotografije ali bit se dobro vidi. 

Maskara se ne topi i ne preslikava na mojim masnim kapcima, što je još jedan plus. Moja jedina zamjerka je ta da mi se čini da je maskara ipak malo rijeđe konzistencije. I vjerujem da će biti još bolja kada se malo osuši. Ali takvo mi je iskustvo sa svim ostalim maskarama. Mislim da se zaista isplati uložiti novac u ovu maskaru. Jako je povoljna a efekat koji dobijete je odličan, što možete vidjeti i na mojim trepavicama.

Toliko od mene za danas! Ja se odoh ponovno šminkati sa ovom ljepotom, a vama želim ugodan dan!!



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