Maybelline purple fall!!!

2:31 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!!

I do not know about you, but this fall is beginning to get under my skin. More and more I think of thick, cozy sweaters, hot chocolate and a whole range of purple tones. Since I always prefer affordable brands, today I wanted to share with you my proposal for the autumn makeup. And I based on Maybelline cosmetics.
The brand is affordable, acceptable quality. And the colors are very beautiful. This dusky purple tone simply describes the whole autumn. All the beauty of the fall can be summed up in a few colors. Simple warm tones. Mmmm now I'd gladly drank another cup of hot chocolate. Some of the products I myself have tried but not all. I hope you will not mind.
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!!
Ne znam za vas, ali se ova jesen polako uvlači pod moju kožu. Sve više razmišljam o debelim, udobnim džemperima, toploj čokoladi i cijelom spektru ljubičastih tonova. Pošto ja uvijek preferiram pristupačne brendove, danas sam sa vama željela podijeliti moj prijedlog za jesensku šminku. A bazirala sam se na Maybelline kozmetici.
Brend je pristupačan, prihvatljive kvalitete. A boje su jako lijepe. Ovaj zagasiti ton ljubičaste boje jednostavno opisuje cijelu jesen. Svu ljepotu jeseni možemo sažeti u par boja. Jednostavnih toplih tonova. Mmmm  sad bih rado popila još jednu šalicu tople čokolade. Neke od proizvoda sam i sama isprobala ali ne sve. Nadam se da to nećete zamjeriti.


Maybelline Color Sensational Lipcolor

Maybelline New York Color Show Nail Lacque

Maybelline Eye Studio Gel Eye Liner| 24hr Wear, intense Colour - Boots
Maybelline 24 Hour Eyeshadow, Painted Purple

Maybelline Dream Wonder Powder
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer

Maybelline Fit Me Blush
Maybelline Dream Wonder Fluid-Touch Foundation

Maybelline Volum' Express The Mega Plush Mascara

I hope you like my choice! Enjoy!!

Nadam se da vam se sviđa moj odabir! Uživajte!!


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