Essence Light Up Your Face Luminizer Palette - Review

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Hello my lovelies!

Okay! How genious is a idea of a Highlighters, illuminator? These products give everyday make-up  a whole new dimension. And I'm completely crazy to glow on cheekbones. A good old Essense know what mom likes. Discreet luster and discrete facial contours.

And so let's talk a little about the beautiful Light Up Our Face Luminizer palette. The perfect combination of 3 small discrete, nude colors, packaged in a palette size of 14 grams. The recommended price of this product is 4.5 euros. Color 10 Ready, Set, Glow.

Three colors in the palette and offer three different finishes; pearl, intense shimmer and gold finish. And on the back of the product having image how to usethis palette. But your free will is where you will use a combination of these colors. I can not keep my instruction manual.

Intensive use shimmer under the brow, above the lips and in the corner of the eye. Gold finish is very nice as a highlighter on the cheekbones. This first colour I was at least used. The product is a medium-pigmented, swatch is quite bad on hand. But when the product is used on the face, all three colors are more intense.

Although the medium-pigmented (medium to weak) I'm still in love with this product  because it leaves a beautiful finish on the face. I was experimenting with this product. Easily applied by brush, nice blend of the skin, does not leave unsightly marks. The only complaint is the scent of the product, somehow strong, perhaps more medical. But lucky do not stay long on the face.

If you want highlighter at a good price, you will not regret purchasing this sweet range illuminator.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Ok! Koliko je genijalna ideja hajlajtera, iluminatora? Ovim proizvodima svakodnevni make-up dobio je jednu potpuno novu dimenziju. A ja sam potpuno poludjela za sjajem na jagodicama.  A dobri, stari Essense zna što mama voli. Diskretan sjaj i diskretne konture lica. 

Pa zato popričajmo malo o prekrasnoj Light Up Zour Face Luminizer paleti. Savršena malena kombinacija 3 diskretne, nude boje, pakirane u paleti veličine 14 grama. Preporučena cijena ovog proizvoda je 4.5 eura. Boja je 10 Ready, Set, Glow.

Tri boje u paleti nude i tri različita finiša; bisreni, intenzivni šimer i zlatni finiš. A na poleđini proizvoda imate slikovne upute za upotrebu palete. Ali vaša je slobodna volja u kojoj ćete kombinaciji koristiti ove boje. Ja se ne držim uputstva za upotrebu.

Intenzivni šimer koristim ispod obrva, iznad usana i u kutu oka. Zlatni finiš je jako lijep na jagodicama kao hajlajter. Ovu prvu boju sam najmanje koristila. Proizvod je srednje pigmentiran, swatch je dosta slab na ruci. Ali kada se proizvod koristi na licu, sve tri boje su intenzivnije.

Iako je srednje pigmentirana (srednje prema slabom) ja sam se ipak zaljubila u obu paleticu jer ostavlja prekrasan finiš na licu. Dosta sam eksperimentirala sa ovim proizvodom. Lako se nanosi četkicom, lijepo se blenda na koži, ne ostavlja ružne tragove. Jedina zamjerka je miris proizvoda, nekako je indrustijski, možda više medicinski. Ali na svu srfeću ne zadržava se dugo na licu.

Ako tražite hajlajtere po povoljnoj cijeni, nećete se pokajati kupovinom ove slatke palete iluminatora. 


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