December Favorits

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Hello my lovelies!

Hey, my pretties, Happy New Year. I hope you're partying like there's no tomorrow. And I hope you were chic! Now that we leave behind all the Christmas and New Year celebrations, the ideal time for December's favorites. We can say that these are my absolute favorites this winter.

1. My first favorite are these cute Christmas and winter knitted socks. I got them from my mom for Christmas 5 years ago and I love them. Handmade my best mom and are thus more valuable. Do not get out of them all winter. And there are my favorite candy Selezione Piu, mix different flavors. My father often gives these chocolate bars. The best are!

2.  Given that the festive period, do not be surprised as my favorite nail polishes this "glittery". Essence Nail Art Special Effect Twinkling Stars - these are just some beautiful copper-gold sequins. Ahhh! This Avon Magic Effects Liquid Sequin with red sequins I recently received from the good people of Avon. It's beautiful and fits in perfectly with my Christmas outfits. But when the I am resting from the sequin i use  KIKO Velvet Satin nail polish. Perfect nude shade.

3. As far as facial care, the only cream that I used last month's Avon Nutra Effects Seed Complex Active Gel Cream. About liquid foundation, I will not even talk. Absolute favorite ever and forever Vichy Dermablend. Review here. And the best base for eye shadow is that of Art Deco. A small box of gold.

4. Do not know the last time I found one this intensive perfume. Emporio Armani knows his business. A winner in the category of shower gels is Balea shower cream with the scent of coconut and vanilla. Yum.

5. And my lips have their favorites. These are: Chap Aid Lip Balm with the scent of cherries, Clinique Chubby Stick No. 07 super strawberry (excellent nourishes and leaves a nice color on the lips), Catrice Shine Lipstick Appeal Fluid nroj 060 Mary Berry is a great choice when you need a more intense color for the evening , and one and only and unique Essence Lip Pencil No. 06 Satin Mauve.

6. A winner in the eyeshadow categorie is the Essence All About Roses. About them more here.

I apologize for the slightly longer post. Next time I will be brief and clear.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Hej moje ljepotice, sretna vam nova godina. Nadam se da ste partijale kao da sutra ne postoji. I nadam se da ste bile chic! Sada kada iza sebe ostavljamo sva božićna i novogodišnja slavlja, idealno vrijeme je za prosinačke favorite. Možemo reći i da su to moji apsolutni favoriti ove zime.

1. Moj prvi favorit su ove preslatke božićno-zimske pletene čarape. Dobila sam ih od mame za Božić prije 5 godina i obožavam ih. Ručni rad moje najbolje mame pa su time još vrijednije. Ne izlazim iz njih cijelu zimu. A tu su i moje omiljene čokoladice Selezione Piu, mix različitih okusa. Tata mi često daruje ove čokoladice. Najbolje su!

2. Budući da je slavljeničko razdoblje, nemojte se čuditi što su mi omiljeni lakovi za nokte ovako "šljokičasti". Essence Nail Art Special Effect Twinkling Stars - ovo su baš neke lijepe bakreno-zlatne šljokice. Ahhh! Ovaj Avon Magic Effects Liquid Sequin sa crvenim šljokicama sam nedavno dobila od dobrih ljudi iz Avona. Prekrasan je i odlično se uklopio u moje božićne outfite. A kada se odmaram od šljokica tu je KIKO Velvet Satin lak za nokte. Savršena nude nijansa.

3. Što se tiče njege lica, jedina krema koju sam koristila prošli mjesec je Avon Nutra Effects Active Seed Complex Gel krema. O tekućem puderu neću više ni govoriti. Apsolutni favorit ikada i zauvijek je Vichy dermablend. Recenzija ovdje. A najbolja podloga za sjene za oči je ona od  Art Deco. Mala kutijica zlata.

4. Ne znam kada sam zadnji put otkrila neki ovako intenzivam parfem. Emporio Armani zna svoj posao. A pobjednik u kategoriji gelova za tuširanje je Balea krema za tuširanje sa mirisom kokosa i vanilije. Njam.

5. I moje usne imaju svoje favorite. A to su: Chap Aid Lip Balm sa mirisom trešnje, Clinique chubby stick broj 07 super strawberry (odlično njeguje i ostavlja lijepu boju na usnama), Catrice Shine Appeal Fluid Lipstick nroj 060 Marry Berry je odličan izbor kada trebate neku intenzivniju boju za večernji izlazak, i jedna jedina i neponovljiva Essence olovka za usne broj 06 Satin Mauve.

6. A pobjednik u kategoriji sjena su Essence All About Roses. O njima više ovdje.

Ispričavam se na malo dužem postu. Idući put ću biti kratka i jasan.







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