Avon Lip Balms - Review

12:11 PM,0 Comments

Hello my lovelies!!

Today I want to write about pampering Avon lip balm in color. The product comes in white packaging with a transparent tip of the cap. Product weight is 3.6 grams, and the current reduced price is 3.85 euros. Regular price is 6.9 euros. Time for a good purchase.

As for the lip balm, contains regenerating jojoba oil and has three shades: Reviving Rasberry, Caring Coral and Berry Smooth. Berry Smooth is the shade that I have. Although at first glance it looks dark, on the lips still leaves a brighter, lighter shade. The daily variations proved to be excellent, unobtrusive solution.

As for caring effect, is solid, average quality. I have to admit that these my shade can sometimes highlight the extremely dry areas on the lips. Then I reach for another solution (Essence Sheer & Shine Lipstick).

The scent of the product is delicate. I always fall for the scent of the products. This is a gentle, I think, somehow, parfume shade of scent. But not strong but gentle and subtle.
So if you are looking for a bit of color and care on the lips at the same time, and you do not have too dry lips this is the product for you.

Do you like this 2in1 products?

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!!

Danas želim pisati o Avon njegujućem balzamu za usne u boji. Proizvod dolazi u bijelom pakiranju sa prozirnim vrhom poklopca. Težina proizvoda je 3.6 grama, a trenutna snižena cijena je 3.85 eura. Regularna cijena je 6.9 eura. Vrijeme za povoljnu kupovinu.

Što se tiče samog balzama za usne, sadrži regenerirajuće ulje jojobe i dostupan je tri nijanse: Reviving Rasberry, Caring Coral i Berry Smooth. Berry Smooth je upravo nijansa koju ja imam. Iako na prvi pogled izgleda tamna na usnama ipak ostavlja svijetliju, laganiju nijansu. U dnevnim varijantama se pokazao kao odlično, nenametljivo rješenje. 

Što se tiče njegujućeg efekta, solidne je, prosječne kvalitete. Moram priznati da ova moja nijansa zna ponekada istaknuti ekstremno suhe dijelove na usnama. Tada posežem za drugim rješenjem (Essence Sheer&Shine ruž za usne).

Miris proizvoda me opčinio. Uvijek padam na miris prozvoda. Ovo je neka nježna, po mom mišljenju, nekako, parfemska nijansa. Ali nije jaka nego nježna i suptilna.
Dakle, ako tražite malo boje i njege na usnama ujednom, a nemate pretjerano isušene usne ovo je proizvod za vas.

Volite li ovakve 2u1 proizvode?


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