Vichy Aqualia Thermal - Review

1:53 PM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

Today I move straight to the point because I want to write about my favorite face cream, ever! It's Vichy Aqualia Thermal Cream. It would be best that I immediately present my impressions.

1. Packaging of face cream in my opinion very nice. Light blue paper packaging is great for keeping these beautiful glass box. And please look at this adorable mirror on the lid. Too sweet! Super practical.

2. My problem with the skin, why I bought this face cream, is dryness and flaking caused by wind and cold. I was looking for a rich cream that ensures hydration, but does not clog pores and stimulates further secretion of sebum. And that's what I got! This texture is fed my skin, made it a natural glossy, soft. Completely perfect.

 3. There is no paraben. Enough said!
4. I love practical things. From my facial creams expect that is light and nourishing, but also a solid foundation for applying makeup. Vichy thank you once again on this formula!!

I know of Vichy products people have divided opinions. Or hate them or love them. I belong to the category of those who adore these products. So far I have not had a bad experience and I hope it will stay that way. When I need a quick fix - Vichy!

Oh yes! Nice lady at the pharmacy gave me a bunch of testers for liquid powders. I look forward to testing, because I have so far used only Vichy Dermablend.

Word of the manufacturer:

Rich, creamy texture melts immediately into the skin, leaving a velvety soft finish.

Oil-free. Non-comedogenic. Non-acnegenic. Allergy-tested. Suitable for sensitive skin. Tested under dermatological control.

 Hello people !! I'm going to smear my face cream.

Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!

Danas prelazim odmah na stvar jer želim pisati o svojoj najdražoj kremi za lice, ikada! To je Vichy Aqualia Thermal krema za lice. Najbolje bi bilo da vam odmah iznesem svoje utiske.

1. Pakiranje ove kreme za lice je po mom mišljenjeu jako lijepo. Svijetlo plava papirna ambalaža je odlična za čuvanje ove prekrasne staklene kutijice. A pogledajte molim vas ovo preslatko ogledalce na poklopcu. Preslatko! Super praktično.

 2. Moj problem sa kožom, zbog kojega sam kupila ovu kremu za lice, je suhoća i perutanje, uzrokovano vjetrom, hladnoćom. Tražila sam bogatu kremu koja garantira hidrataciju, ali ne začepljuje pore i ne potiče dodatno lučenje sebuma. I to sam dobila! Ova tekstura je nahranila moju kožu, učinila je prirodno sjajnom, mekanom. Potpuno savršenom.

3. Nema paraben. Dovoljno rečeno!

4. Ja volim praktične stvari. Od moje kreme za lice očekujem da je lagana i njegujuća, ali i odlična podloga za nanošenje make-upa. Vichy hvala ti još jednom na ovoj formuli!! 

 Znam da o Vichy proizvodima ljudi imaju podijeljeno mišljenje. Ili ih mrze ili ih vole. Ja spadam kategoriju onih koji te proizvode obožavaju. Do sada nisam imala neugodno iskustvo i nadam se da će tako ostati. Kada trebam brzi popravak - Vichy!

O da! Dobra teta u ljekarni mi je dala hrpu testera za tekuće pudere. Veselim se testiranju, jer sam do sada koristila samo Vichy dermablend. 

Riječ proizvođača:

Bogata, kremasta tekstura odmah se stapa sa kožom, ostavljajući je baršunasto mekom.

Bez ulja. Ne-komedogeni. Ne potiču stvaranje akni. Alergo-testirani. Pogodan za osjetljivu kožu. Testirano pod dermatološkim nadzorom.

 Pozdrav ljudi!! Odoh se mazati mojom kremicom. 


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