Le Petit Marseillais - Shampoo with karite milk and honey.

2:40 AM,0 Comments

Hello everyone!

I hope you had a nice weekend. I certainly did. I spent the weekend at a picnic with friends. The sun, the river, barbecue and good company! What more can you ask

Today, again, I want to share with you a product that I recently discovered. I know I'm a bit bored with reviews, but lately I've changed almost all the routines. So, I changed the way I take care of my hair. I have already written about coconut oil to use as a mask for the hair and the hair repair Schwarzkopf gliss 6 miracles oil essence. This oil is applied after washing to damp hair.

My biggest problem was that I had a lot of dandruff. I know, I know. Very embarrassing! For this reason I used Head and Sholders shampoo. Different lines of this shampoo I've used many, many years. However, from this shampoo has always seemed to me to be very greasy scalp and the tips of the hair very dry. No matter what I did I avoid it after a couple of weeks scalp would be re-greasy and dry hair.

I would not have dandruff but when I used another shampoo, even after the first use, dandruff would be returned. So I stopped experimenting with shampoos. I clung to the one that is safe. But when  Le Petit Marseillais cosmetics arrived in our drugstores  just could not resist  to try their shampoo.

And I tried. Shampoo with K
arite Milk and Honey. Even while I washed hair I felt a change to the touch. After drying and styling hair was soft, light, peaks are smoothened. I got a lot of compliments on account of my hair, change is indeed visible already after the first use.

I was afraid that my dandruff does not come back, but I am fascinated by this issue. I use this product for 4 weeks and I have no dandruff. This to me has never happened. Because of this shampoo I changed my whole ritual of nurturing my hair. Now I use only three products. Coconut oil as a mask once a week. This shampoo to wash my hair. And Schwarzkopf gliss 6 miracles essence oil after washing hair. This Nourished hair I did not have for years.

For those not familiar with Le Petit Marseillais cosmetics:
"Le Petit Marseillais ® is one of the most successful French brands. The user provides a unique combination of premium brand at very reasonable prices and the naturalness and authenticity of the province of Provence.

Le Petit Marseillais ® cosmetics inspired by authenticity, simplicity and tradition in southeastern France, whose specificity and ease of enjoying life evokes the richness of scents such as lavender, rosemary, almond oil, chamomile, olive and herbs."
Pozdrav svima!!
Nadam se da ste imali ugodan vikend. Ja sigurno jesam. Vikend sam provela na jednom izletištu sa društvom. Sunce, rijeka, roštilj i dobro društvo! Što više poželjeti?
Danas, opet, sa vama želim podijeliti proizvod koji sam nedavno otkrila. Znam da sam pomalo dosadna sa recenzijama, ali u posljednje vrijeme sam promijenila gotovo sve rutine. Pa sam tako promijenila i način na koji ja njegujem moju kosu. Već sam vam pisala o kokosovom ulju koje koristim kao masku za kosu i o Schwarzkopf gliss hair repair 6 miracles oil essence. Ovo ulje nanosim nakon pranja na vlažnu kosu.
Moj najveći problem je što sam imala jako puno peruti. Znam, znam. Jako neugodno!! Iz tog razloga sam koristila Head and Sholders šampon za kosu. Različite linije ovoga šampona sam koristila mnogo, mnogo godina. No, ovaj šampon je uvijek činio to da mi je vlasište bilo jako masno a vrhovi kose jako suhi. Bez obzira što bih činila da to izbjegnem, nakon par tjedana vlasište bi bilo ponovno masno a kosa suha.
Peruti ne bih imala ali kada bih koristila neki drugi šampon, čak i nakon prvog korištenja, perut bi se vratila. Zato sam prestala eksperimentirati sa šamponima. Držala sam se onog koji je siguran. Ali kada je u naše drogerije stigla Le Petit MARSEILLAIS kozmetika jednostavno nisam mogla odoljeti da ne probam njihove šampone.
I probala sam. Shampoo with karite milk and honey. Već dok sam prala kosu osjetila sam promjenu na dodir. Nakon sušenja i feniranja kosa je bila mekana, lagana, vrhovi su bili zaglađeni. Dobila sam puno komplimenata na račun moje kose, promjena je zaista bila vidljiva već nakon prvog korištenja.
Bojala sam se da mi se perut ne vrati ali sam i po tom pitanju  očarana. Ovaj proizvod koristim već 4 tjedna i nemam peruti. Ovo mi se još nikada nije dogodilo. Zbog ovog šampona promijenila sam cijeli ritual njegovanja kose. Sada koristim samo 3 proizvoda. Kokosovo ulje kao maska, jednom tjedno. Ovaj šampon za pranje kose. I Schwarzkopf gliss 6 miracles oil essence nakon pranja kose. Ovako njegovanu kosu nisam imala godinama.
Za one koji nisu upoznati sa Le Petit Marseillais kozmetikom:
"Le Petit MARSEILLAIS® jedan je od najuspješnijih francuskih brandova. Korisniku pruža jedinstvenu kombinaciju premium branda po iznimno povoljnoj cijeni te prirodnosti i autentičnosti pokrajine Provanse.
Le Petit MARSEILLAIS® kozmetika inspirirana je autentičnošću, jednostavnošću i tradicijom jugoistočne Francuske, čiju posebnost i lagodnost uživanja u životu dočarava kroz bogatstvo mirisa poput lavande, ružmarina, bademovog ulja, kamilice, maslina te začinskog bilja."

Line of hair care with karite milk and honey - Mask and Conditioner.


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Balea After Sun

4:00 AM,0 Comments

Hello Everyone!!
Here's what the DM says about him:
"The wonderful fragrance of Balea After Sun shower envelops the body after showering and makes for a memorable summery feel to the skin. The high-quality formulation nourishes tired skin after a hard day working or visiting the solarium and protects it from drying out."
Here's what I say about him:
I love it! It is a limited edition collection of shower gels Balea After Sun. The scent of this shower gel every night leads me to sleep. I do not know what's in it so magical. I bought it after returning from vacation, because it was written on the bottle (my interpretation):

- Soothes the skin after sun;
- Rinse the remains of cream and suntan oil;
- Prevents the skin from drying out;
- Leaves a cooling sensation on the skin.

I bought it! I showered! I showered immediately again! I went back to DM tomorrow. I bought 3 more bottles because I was afraid that he would disappear of the shelves, because everyone will know how great it is.

My skin is usually not too demanding, my skin after using this gel is soft and moisturized. But the scent of this shower gel, it's for what I've gone crazy. My hubby thought I was wearing sunscreen. And it is true that, recalls the beach, the sea and the scent of a coconut in sunscreen. Just want again to be on the beach and enjoy the sun.
Pozdrav svima!!
Evo što DM kaže o njemu:
"Prekrasan miris Balea nakon sunčanja tušem obavija tijelo nakon tuširanja i čini za nezaboravno ljetno osjećaj na koži.Formulacija visoke kvalitete hrani umornu kožu nakon napornog dana raditi ili posjetite solarij i štiti je od isušivanja."
Evo što ja kažem o njemu:
Obožavam ga!! Radi se limitiranoj kolekciji gelova za tuširanje Balea After Sun. Miris ovog gela za tuširanje me svaku večer vodi u san. Ne znam što je u njemu tako čarobno. Kupila sam ga nakon povratka sa odmora, jer je na bočici pisalo (moja interpretacija):

- umiruje kožu nakon sunčanja;
- ispire ostatke krema i ulja za sunčanje;
- sprečava isušivanje kože;
- ostavlja osjećaj hlađenja na koži.
Kupila ga! Istuširala sam se! Istuširala sam se odmah još jednom! Otišla sam sutra ponovno u DM. Kupila sam još 3 bočice jer sam se bojala da će ga nestati na policama, jer će svi znati kako je odličan.
Moja koža inače nije prezahtjevna, koža mi je nakon upotrebe ovog gela mekana i hidratizirana. Ali  miris ovog gela za tuširanje, ono je za čime sam poludjela. Moj mužić je mislio da imam na sebi kremu za sunčanje. I točno je takav, podjseća na plažu, more i miris kokosa u kremama za sunčanje. Baš poželim ponovno biti na plaži i uživati na suncu.
by DM


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