The obsession with strawberries vol.2!!
Hello everyone!
My obsession with strawberries and high calorific cakes continues. A few days ago, looking for luscious cakes I found a recipe for a cake called - Pavlova cake. It is a cake with a crust made from egg whites, which is coated with whipped cream, on the cream are ordered strawberries.Of course, the recipe I adapted to myself. My version!! Do not pass out from the amount of sugar. But you will not regret it. Live once !!
- 6 egg whites;
- 20 tablespoons sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of white vinegar;
- 1.5 tablespoon sharp white flour;
- 500 grams of strawberries;
- 500 milliliters cream.
Egg whites, sugar and vinegar blended into a solid mixture. Flour into the mixture gently mix with a spoon. In a baking dish, in which is placed the baking paper, pour the mixture. A baking dish is larger
Bake at 150 degrees for 60 minutes.Whisk cream, strawberries wash. When the crust is baked, remove from the bowl and let it cool. When the crust is cooled, cut it into two parts. The first crust coated with cream, sarranged strawberries, a little cream on strawberries. On top place another sheet of crust. Again coated with cream, arrange strawberries ... And that's it ! Cake to cool for as long ... and then attack !
Bon appetit!!
My obsession with strawberries and high calorific cakes continues. A few days ago, looking for luscious cakes I found a recipe for a cake called - Pavlova cake. It is a cake with a crust made from egg whites, which is coated with whipped cream, on the cream are ordered strawberries.Of course, the recipe I adapted to myself. My version!! Do not pass out from the amount of sugar. But you will not regret it. Live once !!
- 6 egg whites;
- 20 tablespoons sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of white vinegar;
- 1.5 tablespoon sharp white flour;
- 500 grams of strawberries;
- 500 milliliters cream.
Egg whites, sugar and vinegar blended into a solid mixture. Flour into the mixture gently mix with a spoon. In a baking dish, in which is placed the baking paper, pour the mixture. A baking dish is larger
Bake at 150 degrees for 60 minutes.Whisk cream, strawberries wash. When the crust is baked, remove from the bowl and let it cool. When the crust is cooled, cut it into two parts. The first crust coated with cream, sarranged strawberries, a little cream on strawberries. On top place another sheet of crust. Again coated with cream, arrange strawberries ... And that's it ! Cake to cool for as long ... and then attack !
Bon appetit!!
Pozdrav svima!!
Moja opsesija jagodama i visoko kaloričnim kolačima se nastavlja. Prije par dana, u potrazi za preslatkim kolačima pronašla sam recept za kolač koji se zove - Pavlova torta. Radi se o kolaču sa jednom korom od bjelanjaka, koja je premazana sa tučenim slatkim vrhnjem, a na vrhnje su poredane jagode.
Naravno, recept sam sebi prilagodila. Moja verzija!! nemojte se onesvijestiti od količine šećera. Ali nećete požaliti. Jednom se živi!!
- 6 bjelanjaka;
- 20 žlica šećera;
- 1 žlica bijelog ocata;
- 1,5 žlica oštrog bijelog brašna;
- 500 grama jagoda;
- 500 mililitara slatkog vrhnja.
- 20 žlica šećera;
- 1 žlica bijelog ocata;
- 1,5 žlica oštrog bijelog brašna;
- 500 grama jagoda;
- 500 mililitara slatkog vrhnja.
Bjelanjke, šećer i ocat izmiksati u čvrstu smjesu. Brašno u smjesu lagano umiješati žlicom. U tepsiju, u koju je stavljen papir za pečenje, izliti smjesu. Tepsija je većih dimenzija. Peći na 150 stupnjeva 60 minuta.
Slatko vrhnje umutiti, jagode oprati. Kada je kora pečena, izvaditi je iz posude i pustiti da se ohladi. Kada je kora ohlađena, prerezati je na dva dijela. Prvu koru premazati vrhnjem, poslagati jagode, zatim po jagodama staviti malo vrhnja. Na vrh staviti drugu koru. Ponovno premazati vrhnjem, poredati jagode...I to je to!! Kolač na hlađenje što duže i onda ...napad!!
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