Empties #1 in 2018

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Hello my beauty!

New Year - new products. For facial skin, the skin of the body, and hair and nails! Every part of my body is tired of the products I buy and use. That is why I firmly decided to use everything and start from scratch. That's what I told you in the last post on this topic. But as I said. New Year...

In the first photo - shower gels and body lotions. Rossmann's Isana shower gel with pearl extract, 300ml bottle. Nothing special, clean solid but has some "detergent for dish" smell. I did not like it. Good old Balea. Shower Cream with pomegranate and peach flower, 300 ml vial. Excellent odor, excellent skin cleansing, does not dry out the skin. Afrodita Cosmetics Bouquet of Flowers LD Body Milk has a phenomenal scent, it nourishes the skin very well. And Emporio Armani It body lotion, perfumed, intense and beautiful. I want it again.

When we are talking about skin care, there are two creams I used. About Afrodita Hydra Thermal Cream I wrote here, and about Jardin Naturel Creams here.

You can see that I have also spent the ET of Tom Tailor and Obsession Calvin Klein perfume. TT Eau de Toilette is a sweeter note, softer and in my opinion a medium intense scent. Obsession is much stronger and more intense, I think it's not for everyone's taste, but it's great to me.

Deodorant and perfumed deodorant. Fa Soft & Control deodorant is a pure fade. It does not suppress sweating, it does not suppress an odorless smell. Exactly the opposite. Also this Fabio Verso enthusiasm deodorant is desperate. Not a nice smell, but fortunately it does not stay long, completely disappearing after half an hour. I had more luck with this Jean Marc Pretty Lady Black Body Spray. The scent is beautiful, intense, long-lasting. 

A small round box is a "shimer". I have no idea, but in summer I could use it. The Essence Good Girl Bad Girl blush I used in daily variants. Gentle pink color. About Delia cosmetics creator I wrote here, about Avon pencil hereEssence Superlast 24h Eyebrow Pen is something new I tried and already spent. Excellent eyebrow pencil, I'll buy it again. You can read about the Catrice Mascara here.

So much for this time.

Pozdrav moje ljepotice!

Nova godina - novi proizvodi. I koža lica, i  koža tijela, i kosa i nokti! Svaki dio moga tijela se zasitio proizvoda koje oznova kupujem i koristim. Zato sam čvrsto odlučila sve iskoristiti i krenuti od nule. To sam vam rekla i u posljednjem postu na ovu temu. Ali kao što rekoh. Nova godina... 

Na prvoj fotografiji - gelovi za tuširanje i losioni za tijelo. Rossmann-ova linija Isana gel za tuširanje sa ekstratom bisera, bočica od 300ml. Ništa posebno, čisti solidno, ali ima neki "deterdžent za suđe" miris. Nije mi se svidjelo. Dobra stara Balea. Krema za tuširanje sa narom i cijetom breskve, bočica od 300 ml. Odličan miris, odlično čisti kožu, ne isušuje kožu. Afrodita Cosmetics Bouquet of Flowers LD mlijeko za tijelo ima fenomenalna miris, odlično njeguje kožu. I Emporio Armani She losion za tijelo, parfumirano, intenzivno i prekrasno. želim ga ponovo. 

Kad već govorimo o njezi kože tu su i dvije kreme koje sam iskoristila. O Afrodita Hydra Thermal kremi sam pisala ovdje, a o Jardin Naturel kremi ovdje

Možete vidjeti da sam potrošila i toaletnu vodu od Tom Tailor-a i Obsession Calvin Klein parfem. TT toaletna voda je više slatkasta nota, nježnija i po mom mišljenju srednje intenzivan miris. Obsession je puno jači i intenzivniji, mislim da nije za svačiji ukus, ali meni je odličan. 

Dezodoransi i parfimirani dezodoransi. Fa Soft & Control dezodorans je čisti promašaj. Ne suzbija znojenje, ne suzbija neugodan miris. Upravo suprotno. Također ovaj Fabio Verso  Entusiasmo dezodorans je očajan. Nimalo lijep miris, ali na sreću ne zadržava se dugo, potpuno nestane nakon pola sata. Više sreće sam imala sa ovim Jean Marc Pretty Lady Black body sprejom. Miris je lijep, intenzivan, dosta dugo se zadržava.

Mala okrugla kutijica je "neki" shimer. Pojma nemam, ali ljeti sam ga znala koristiti kao hajlajter. Essence Good Girl Bad Girl rumenlio sam koristila u dnevnim varijantama. Nježna roza boja. O Delia cosmetics kreatoru sam pisala ovdje, o Avon olovci ovdje

Essence Superlast 24h olovka za obrve je nešto novo što sam probala i već potrošila. Odlična olovka za obrve, kupit ću je ponovo. A o Catrice maskari možete čitati ovdje.

Toliko za ovaj put.  



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