Avone Luxe Cashmere Complexion 2in1 Foundation - Review
Hello my lovelies!
The rain swept the city, and the autumn felt in the air. I am not a fan of this transient time between summer and autumn. I am the type of person who is always cold, layers and layers of clothing. And at home, always covered with a blanket. And when the rain falls, and my little boy is sleeping, it's an ideal time for warm chocolate and a review.
The rain swept the city, and the autumn felt in the air. I am not a fan of this transient time between summer and autumn. I am the type of person who is always cold, layers and layers of clothing. And at home, always covered with a blanket. And when the rain falls, and my little boy is sleeping, it's an ideal time for warm chocolate and a review.
This time we'll talk about Avon Luxe Cashmere Complexion 2in1 foundation for oily and combination skin. Avon
Luxe is a little more luxurious product line, as evidenced by the
packaging which is gold details picked up everything to a higher level. The price of 30 ml tubes is about 8 euros.
This liquid
powder has SPF 15, and the manufacturer claims to reduce the visibility
of the pores and wrinkles, hydrates the skin and makes it as soft as a
kašmira. The manufacturer claims to have a liquid powder with a diamond coating, having a medium covering. There are 5 shades available on the market, my is Natural Glamor.
Most of the summer I used
this product on my current ultra-fatty skin, so I can say that I have
had enough experience to write about this product. So the only real way to apply this product is with a wet sponge. Then it is nice to blend, and when you apply the first layer, allow it to dry slightly on your face. You can then apply another layer if you want stronger coverage. One layer on the skin of my face is in my opinion a weaker coverage.
I agree with the
statement that the product reduces the visibility of pores and
wrinkles, but disagree with the statement that the product has a matte
finish. There is no mat for my skin, the skin actually looks healthy and fed, with that healthy shine. But if you want the product on the face remains as long as you need to use loose powder. On my greasy skin, without that step, it slices much faster.
As far as the nourishing effect is concerned, I have not noticed anything concrete. My skin is now in good condition, but I have a complex face skin care routine. Maybe this product has contributed to it too. What I know for sure did not create any inflammatory processes, did not clog pores, caused acne. The skin is not difficult, it is light and airy. I like it. It's actually a nice change after many matte liquid foundations.
Pozdrav moje ljepotice!
Kiša je okupala grad, osjeti se jesen u zraku. Nisam ljubitelj ovog prelaznog vremena između ljeta i jeseni. Ja sam onaj tip osobe kojoj je uvijek hladno, slojevi i slojevi odjeće. A kod kuće uvijek pokrivena dekicom. A kada kiša pada, a moj maleni dječak spava, idealno je vrijeme za toplu čokoladu i jednu recenziju.
Ovoga puta razgovarat ćemo o Avon Luxe Cashmere Complexion 2in1 tekućem puderu za masnu i mješovitu kožu. Avon Luxe je malo luksuznija linija proizvoda, čemu svjedoči i ambalaža koja je zlatnim detaljima podigla sve na višu razinu. Cijena tubice od 30 ml je oko 8 eura.
Ovaj tekući puder ima SPF 15, a proizvođač tvrdi da umanjuje vidljivost pora i bora, hidratizira kožu i čini je mekanom poput kašmira. Proizvođač tvrdi da tekući puder sa ektraktom dijamanta, da ima srednje prekrivanje. Na tržištu je dostupno 5 nijansi, moja je Natural Glamour.
Veći dio ljeta sam koristila ovaj proizvod na mojoj trenutno ultra masnoj koži, pa mogu reći da sam stekla dovoljno iskustva da pišem o ovom proizvodu. Dakle, jedini pravi način nanošenja ovog proizvoda je sa mokrom spužvicom. Tada se lijepo blenda, a kada nanesete prvi sloj, pustite da se lagano osuši na licu. Nakon toga možete nanijeti još jedan sloj ako želite jače prekrivanje. Jedan sloj na koži lica je po mom mišljenju slabije prekrivanje.
Slažem se sa tvrdnjom da proizvod umanjuje vidljivost pora i bora, ali se ne slažem sa tvrdnjom da proizvod ima mat završetak. Na mojoj koži nema mat završetak, koža zapravo izgleda zdravo i nahranjeno, sa onim zdravim sjajem. Ali ako želite da proizvod na licu ostane što duže morate koristiti i puder u prahu. Na mojoj masnoj koži se bez toga koraka prosije puno brže.
Što se tiče njegujućeg efekta, nisam zapazila ništa konkretno. Koža mi je sada u dobrom stanju, ali imam složenu rutinu njege kože lica. Možda je tome pridonio i ovaj proizvod. Ono što znam sigurno, nije mi stvorio nikakve upalne procese, nije mi začepio pore, uzrokovao akne. Na koži nije težak, lagan je i prozračan. Sviđe mi se. Zapravo je lijepa promjena nakon mnogobrojnih mat tekućih pudera.
This is PR post.
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