Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil

2:39 AM,0 Comments

Hello my dear readers!!

I am very excited about the holidays coming (probably I have become bored with this story), so I leave very little time for writing posts. Forgive me! That will soon change.

I got a lot earlier holiday gifts from wonderful people, who will not be near for the holidays. For this reason I have many gifts earlier opened and tested. Among the products tested had this Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil.
Avon on this oil says:
"Hair treatment without rinsing with Moroccan Argan Oil for all hair types. The treatment contains exotic, rare argan oil, which currently absorbs and gives the hair moisture and beautiful shine. Nourishes and smoothes dry, damaged or brittle hair, restores its softness, makes is stronger and smooth to the touch. "
This oil is applied to damp hair. At the top of the bottle is pump, so that from bottle goes a sufficient amount of oil. The bottle comes in a blue package with Moroccan ornaments. In my opinion very nice packaging. Bottle itself is made of glass, so it leaves an even greater sense of luxury. The amount is 30 ml. Unfortunately I do not know the price.

The amount of oil that comes out of a single pumping, is enough because I put oil only at the ends. The oil is yellow, the midrange is density and very nice smell. Actually there are a luxurious touch in this scent. The smell on the hair retains a very long time. Personally, I like it.
The effect on my hair is medium. I did not fell from the chair of enthusiasm, but I'm not disappointed. Like the feeling of softness that leaves on my hair. This oil makes my hair smooth, but I have one objection. My hair very slowly absorbs this oil. I do not know why? But the smell of this oil has surpassed all my expectations. I love it in my hair.

In any case, my rating of this oil is 4. Who wants to, feel free to try.
Pozdrav dragi moji čitatelji!!
Ja sam jako uzbuđena zbog blagdana koji dolaze (vjerojatno sam svima dosadila sa tom pričom),pa zato ostavljam jako malo vremana za pisanje postova. Oprostite mi! To će se uskoro promijeniti.
Dobila sam dosta ranijih blagdanskih darova od dragih ljudi koji neće biti u blizini za blagdane. Iz tog razloga sam mnoge darove ranije otvorila i isprobala. A među testiranim proizvodima je i ovo Avon  Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil.
Avon o ovom ulju kaže:
"Tretman za kosu bez ispiranja sa marokanskim arganovim uljem za sve tipove kose. Tretman sadrži egzotično, rijetko arganovo ulje,  koje se trenutno upija i pruža kosi hidrataciju i prekrasan sjaj. Njeguje i zaglađuje suhu, oštećenu ili krhku kosu, vraa joj mekoću, čini je jačom i glatkom na dodir."
Ovo ulje se nanosi na vlažnu kosu. Na vrhu bočice je pumpica, tako da iz bočice izlazi dovoljna količina ulja. Bočica dolazi u plavom pakiranju sa marokanskim ornamentima. Po mom mišljenju jako lijepo pakiranje. Sama bočica je od stakla, pa mi ostavlja još veći osjećaj luksuza. Količina je 30 ml. Nažalost cijenu ne znam.
Količina ulja koja izlazi jednim pumpanjem, je  dovoljna jer ja stavljam ulje samo na vrhove kose. Ulje je žuto, srenje je gustoće i jako lijepog mirisa. Zaista ima neku luksuznu notu u ovom  mirisu. Miris se na kosi zadržava jako dugo vremena. Meni se osobno to sviđa.
Učinak na mojoj kosi je srednji. Nisam pala sa stolice od oduševljenja, ali nisam ni razočarana. Sviđa mi se osjećaj mekoće koji ostavlja na mojoj kosi. Ovo ulje čini moju kosu glatkom, ali imam i jednu zamjerku. Moja kosa jako sporo upija ovo ulje. Ne znam zašto? Ali miris ovoga ulja je nadmašio sva moja očekivanja. Obožavam ga u svojoj kosi.
U svakom slučaju moja ocjena ovog ulja je 4. Tko želi, slobodno neka isproba.


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